What should you eat while having a period?

There is no set standard for how miserable you must feel during your period. While some women have little to no symptoms during their period, others struggle to get out of bed due to pain, cramps, migraines, or nausea. Some of the more uncomfortable symptoms might be lowered by changing your diet. Unbelievably, the things you eat can aid with mood swings, bloating, and cramping.

Foods to consume when menstruating


In addition to being one of the generally healthiest foods, it also eases cramps. This fish contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which are recognized for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics. These properties can help you calm your uterus and ease cramps. For a variety of these advantages, select salmon grilled, in rolls, or sushi. It also has a lot of B vitamins, which help you have more energy and have anti-inflammatory qualities, as well as high levels of potassium, which reduce water retention. 


Bananas can help with a variety of issues, including constipation and diarrhea brought on by your period. Bananas' high magnesium, potassium, and fiber content will facilitate bowel motions and ease your mood. Magnesium is also known to relax muscles and ease the pain associated with cramping.


Trying to find a reason to consume more chocolate? If so, the perfect time to treat yourself and consume some organic dark chocolate is during your period. The ultimate consolation food is chocolate. However, avoid sweets and processed candy from the grocery store because it contains artificial sugar, which is very bad for your health. Purchase authentic, unprocessed chocolate from your neighborhood organic market or any other source of organic foods.


Do your periods make you feel exhausted? Broccoli is what you need if so. If you don't want to eat it every day, there are countless methods to prepare it. You can cook with it in a green smoothie, on the grill, or by boiling it. Broccoli's high iron content and fiber content compensate for whatever iron you may lose as a result of menstrual flow. Due to its high fiber content, it will nourish your body rapidly, reducing bloating and irregular bowel movements. Potassium and magnesium can aid with PMS's painful symptoms. Don't add too much salt, though, as this can cause your body to retain more water.


One of the healthiest foods is an egg. Egg yolks are a great source of protein, vital fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, and iron, all of which are particularly helpful during your period. For those with sensitive stomachs, however, hard-boiled eggs are known to produce bloating and discomfort. Eat eggs daily to reduce period symptoms, but steer clear of hard-boiled ones to prevent gas and bloating.